Professional Mental Health Support for Moms

I empower anxious, overwhelmed women with mindfulness and facts so they can face the challenges of motherhood with confidence.

Forget everything you’ve seen on social.

I’m here to tell you no one has this motherhood stuff figured out . . .

From the moment you find out you’re pregnant, . . .

your whole identity begins to shift,

there’s always a decision to be made,

and everybody (from your mom to all the ‘experts’ on Instagram) seems to think they have THE answer.

The worst part? This stuff doesn’t stop after you have your baby.

Oh, and BREAKING NEWS: Those folks don’t have THE answer because IT doesn’t exist.

That’s why it’s so important to learn how to deal with the noise, make the best choice for you, accept where you are, and keep moving forward.



So, whether you’re . . .

  • an overthinking expectant mother, googling “is pregnancy anxiety a thing?” (spoiler: it definitely is)

  • deep in the isolation of your ‘4th trimester’ (aka the first few months of life with a newborn) wondering if your dark feelings are due to sleep deprivation, postpartum depression, regret, or all of the above (sleep deprivation is probably the biggest culprit, but it could be something more. Whatever it is, it’s resolvable, even the regret; welcome to the shame-free zone, mama)

  • facing the toddler years and seriously questioning whether “gentle parenting” is all it’s cracked up to be (controversial opinion: it is not.)

  • questioning whether you really want a second baby (It’s totally ok if you don’t.)

  • dealing with the strong opinions of your kindergartener or teen (Oof.)

  • or anywhere in-between . . .

    you could use some support!

Lucky for you, as a certified perinatal mental health professional with over 20 years of experience supporting women and 13+ years of motherhood under my belt, I’ll be right there by your side to help you build the confidence and coping skills you need to have peace of mind, wherever you are in your motherhood adventure.

handdrawn rainbow

Get started by completing this contact form, and then we’ll schedule a quick chat about how we can work together.

All services are provided virtually, so you don’t even have to worry about changing out of your comfy clothes.

If you’re local, we can even try a walk + talk.

Bring on the mom guilt and decision fatigue! You got this!

Proud Member of TherapyDen