Can You Really Prepare for Parenthood?

Oh my goodness, have you listened to the Mindful Mom-To-Be free audio series?!?!? The response has been phenomenal, and I love knowing that so many expectant parents are accessing this vital information. If you haven't checked it out, subscribe here.

When you think baby prep, what's the first thing that comes to mind?

A minimalist but adorable nursery theme?

Snuggly blankets in pastel colors?

The safest m*ther effing carseat in the universe based on amazon reviews?


Well, yes, you will definitely be needing the diapers and a carseat, but there is no "best" anything when it comes to preparation.

There are, however, some high-impact strategies to implement during pregnancy in order to decrease your risk for PMADs (perinatal mood + anxiety disorders, commonly referred to as postpartum depression and/or anxiety).

Prepared doesn't mean nothing will go wrong. It just means you are mindful and realistic when it comes to expectations and where you should focus your energy.

How do you typically deal with stress?

Maybe you have some healthy coping skills already in place.

Some may be cognitive (or thought-based), such as:

  • not jumping to conclusions in your head

  • focusing on the present moment instead of worrying about the future

  • remembering how you've gotten through similar situations

Other ways you deal may be behavioral. For example:

  • going for a walk

  • listening to music

  • meditating

  • deep breathing

  • spending time with friends

  • watching a favorite show

I love getting laser focused on my clients' unique circumstances as well as the strengths they bring to the table.

Yes, you’re already doing so many helpful things!!!

We look at potentially problematic aspects of the situation, such as difficult family dynamics, lack of social support, history of anxiety, etc. and we face these concerns head on together, coming up with a plan that combines their existing strengths with some new skills and strategies.

They not only lower their risk of PMADs, but they walk away with the confidence and skills that will honestly serve them now and into their parenting future!

If you've listened to the series, then you're aware of the fact that we don't have control of very much when it comes to becoming a mother, but we can invest in the kind of support that resonates with our goals and values.

When women have support and their needs met, we all win!

Let me know what you think about the audio series! If you haven’t listened yet, get it now right in your favorite podcast player.


The Most Important Baby Prep Info No One Talks About


Show Notes + Resources from the Mindful Mom-To-Be Audio Series (AKA The Everything Page)